Brivele is a Seattle-based ensemble who braid together Yiddish song, anti-fascist and labor balladry, folk-punk, and contemporary rabble-rousing in stirring vocal harmony.

Listen to our latest EP, What Joy is Yours.

“Brivele breathes new life into an old labor song, weaving bright vocal harmonies around the old time sounds of banjo and ukulele.” — Rokhl Kafrissen, The ‘Joy’ of Summer

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I remember exactly where I was when I first heard “Hunting Season” off of Brivele’s latest harmonically complex, wildly imaginative, future-building album, Cradle Songs, Grave Songs.
— Ozzy Irving Gold-Shapiro
Brivele’s gift as a band is their ability to go between the dark and the light, the serious and the witty, all with a deep sense of tradition, and abandon of tradition.
— Michael Winograd